Signature Plastics Signature Plastics
Signature Plastics Signature Plastics

About Us


Signature Plastics LLC is a plastic manufacturer specializing in custom injection molding, plastic part decorating and mold making. The company was formed in 2001 following the purchase of a portion of the assets, customer base and technologies of the US division of Comptec Incorporated. For over 30 years, Comptec was a leading supplier of precision plastic components, assemblies and tooling for customers worldwide. The company eventually grew to become the world’s largest independent supplier of keycaps for the computer industry.


Today Signature Plastics is an industry leader in insert molding custom keycaps for a variety of user-interface electronic input devices. Manufacturing capabilities include manual, automated, and rotary part transfer methods. Manufacturing flexibility allows for economical prototype and short run capability as well as high volume manufacturing utilizing multi-axis robotic part handling. The company inventories a wide variety of standard and engineered polymers with dozens of color options.

The company also specializes in epoxy based pad printing and dry transfer sublimation printing. These secondary decorating processes are used to add single or multi-color graphics to products. To enhance graphic durability of pad printed parts, a UV cured hard coat is often applied.


The company recently developed capabilities in manufacturing keycaps for back-lighted applications. In this process keys are first molded in a translucent material and then painted with a thin coat of highly durable automotive paint. Graphics are then cut through the paint, using a CNC engraver, exposing the translucent substrate material. There is an increasing demand for back-lighted keycaps on electronic input devices used in low-light production editing venues such as theatre performances, television and motion picture productions, as well as in the rapidly expanding home gaming industry.

Sonic welding, sonic and thermal insertion, thin film vacuum forming, mechanical assembly and custom packaging are some of the additional manufacturing services the company offers.

Signature Plastics utilizes a broad network of manufacturing partners to assist in providing additional value-added services including:

  • product/part design and development;
  • tool and fixture design and fabrication;
  • rapid prototyping;
  • custom color matching;
  • specialty materials requiring unique filtration and/or transmission characteristics;    
  • laser marking;
  • vacuum metalized coatings for chrome-like reflective finishes and EMI/RFI shielding;
  • anti-reflective coatings used on display windows and lenses.
beyond keycaps